HMH Into Math
We believe the HMH Into Math curriculum is ideal for our district because it incorporates a variety of visual aids, interactive activities, and real-world applications that make mathematic concepts more accessible and engaging for our English language learners.
How to Download HMH Lessons
- Access the HMH portal through ClassLink
- Click Discover, HMH Resources
- Select your Program - Into Math
- Choose your Module
- Click on your Lesson, click Open Lesson
- Under the instruction section, double click on the hyperlink for Lesson Slides
- A PowerPoint of the lesson slides will be downloaded to your computer

Planning & Pacing Guides
The planning guides help teachers organize their instruction to meet the year’s curriculum requirements.
HMH Into Math Planning and Pacing Guides
​Each grade level curriculum set comes with a hard cover planning and pacing guide. The planning guides help the teachers organize their instruction to meet the curriculum requirements.

Grade level math overview
Click here to download each grade's instructional focus areas, content strand overviews, fluency requirements, and mathematical practices.
HMH Into Math Resources
Click here for a list of HMH Into Math student and teacher resources

Anchor Charts
An anchor chart is a valuable instructional tool that helps students learn concepts. During a lesson, you create a chart that highlights key information, strategies, and content that you want students to refer to later. Then, display the chart in your class so students can refer to it while practicing the skill.
HMH Into Math anchor charts examples are available in the HMH online portal. They can also be found in the back of the Teacher Edition: Planning and Pacing Guide.

Math Bulletin Boards (Content Boards)
Your math content board should align with the HMH Into Math unit of study. Math content boards have blue bulletin board paper.
Content boards should have the following:
- objectives
- standard
- key vocabulary
- anchor chart
- sentence stem
- paired work

Writing in Math​
Students should be writing in every math lesson. Here are different ways students can demonstrate their understanding of the math concepts:
- reflective journaling
- exit tickets
- typing in slides/documents
- paired writing
HMH lessons provide writing prompts (ex: 2nd Gr, Lesson 5)

Math Word Walls
A great way to help your students learn and use key math concepts is to create a math word wall. Some teachers create a section close to the math content board that has the vocabulary words for the unit.