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Social Studies

LKSD utilizes a localized and translated K-5 social studies curriculum for our students. The textbooks are based on TCi's Social Studies Alive! but are tailored to create more local relevance for our students.


Supplemental components such as Daily Geography and online resources are used to support the curriculum. Resources can be found in the LKSD Resource Library and within the district's curriculum warehouse. 


At DLE sites, social studies is in taught in Y/Cugtun for 45 minutes daily.

At Non-DLE sites, science is in taught in English for 45 minutes daily.   


Social Studies


3rd Grade

1st Grade

4th Grade

2nd Grade

5th Grade

Click here to access the K-5 Curriculum Maps

Lesson plans are provided in English and Yugtun for grades K-5. These plans include objectives, journal prompts and conceptual refinement support.

Click here to visit the Yugtun Curriculum website. 

Supplemental Resource

Daily Geography provides grade-level appropriate social studies activities that are informative and interesting. Each Daily Geography practice edition focuses on social studies skills relevant to the particular grade-level, like learning to use compasses, map keys, map scales and more. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a teacher edition?

We currently do not have teacher editions of the books. However, on the Yugtun Curriculum website we provide lesson plans that follow the LKSD Best Practices lesson cycle. 



What if I need more copies of the text?

Please email​



How do I get a TCi login?

We no longer use the online materials for TCi. Since we localized the curriculum, the content of our books and the online materials do not match up. 



Where do I find the lesson plans?

You can find all the elementary SS lesson plans on our Yugtun Curriculum website



Where do I find the Daily Geography books?

We do not provide the Daily Geography books. If you need/want them, your site needs to purchase the books. 



How many minutes of S.S. is required each day?

Social Studies required daily minutes are forty-five minutes a day.






Have a question but don't know who to contact?

Send us an email:

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