7-12 Health & PE
LKSD has adopted the 4th R curriculum, supplemented with Glencoe's Teen Health, as the 7th & 8th grade required curriculum and supplemented with Pearson's Health for Health 1. The expectation is that the 4th R is the dominant curriculum.
LKSD recommends that Health and PE be alternately taught for 30 minutes per day over the course of a week; this ensures that 90 minutes of PE is taught each week:
Health: M,W,F
PE: T, Th
Health & PE Graduation Requirements
1.0 credit of Health (I and II)
1.0 credit of Physical Education
Two of the following courses will satisfy the 1.0 credit requirement for PE in LKSD:
PE 1
PE 2
Survival Skills A/B
Yup'ik Dancing
Students in 7th and 8th grade must take a PE class both years.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information, email jennifer_bacus@lksd.org
How do I get additional textbooks?
Textbooks were purchased and distributed to sites when the curriculum was adopted. If you need additional textbooks, talk to your site administrator about ordering additional copies.
How do I get a copy of the 4th R instructor's manual?
Send an email to jennifer_bacus@lksd.org for a copy of the manual and access to online training. Mandatory training is also offered each year at the Annual Fall Conference. Note that if you're new to teaching Secondary Health, you're expected to attend the in-person training.
Things to keep in mind...
The 4th R has pre- and post- surveys that must be offered to student per the State of Alaska guidelines
There are several permission slips that must go home; please read the "overview" document found in the curriculum map
Planning ahead is essential when teaching this course
PE is not just open gym or basketball; LKSD teachers can view the curriculum map and pacing guide on the Curriculum Warehouse