9- 12 Science
Science in LKSD incorporates the 3-dimensional model of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Our secondary courses are a blend of learning new science content and applying this knowledge through activities that reinforce science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts such as mathematics, writing, and communication through the application of hands-on activities. Our secondary science curriculum is unique in that the CK-12 content was edited by the LKSD curriculum committee to place-base the content wherein we embedded local images and local context. All texts meet the Alaska Content Standards and NGSS standards.
9- 12 Science
The CK12 digital textbooks are aligned to each course curriculum map and can be adapted to local needs. Options for printed textbooks are available by demand.
Click here to access digital copies
Supplemental Resources
Pivot Interactives contains numerous editable, online experiment activities that are video based. Pivot is a great resource for nearly every secondary science course. Contact Andrew West to set up your teacher account - Login using LKSD email after teacher is notified of approved access
Carolina 3D supports labs for Chemistry, Biology, and Ecology.
The platform is accessible to teachers and students via ClassLink LaunchPad.
The Flinn Scientific PAVO platform supports labs for Physical Science, Concepts of Physics, Earth Science and Geology.
Teachers should contact Andrew West for account set up.
LKSD teachers can view curriculum guides and access additional resources through the Curriculum Warehouse
Visit the LKSD Secondary Science homepage here
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get an account?
Visit the CK12 homepage and sign in using your LKSD google login
How do I get more copies of textbooks?
Physical copies were distributed in Fall 2023. If you wish to receive more hard copies, this will need to come out of site funds. All books are also available online through CK12 with the option to download PDF copies.
Is there a teacher edition?
There is not an official teacher edition, but the digital online editions have options for supplemental resources.
How can I better differentiate?
Supplemental resources available on CK12 include simulations, adaptive quizzes and more.