Tips for the First 30 Days
K-5 Math
Review Your Teacher Resources
- Locate the teacher manuals/resources at your site
- Look for an email to Log in the HMH Into Math online site. To gain access, you must have a class with students in PowerSchool.
- Log in your HMH account through LKSD ClassLink and complete the HMH Teacher Success Pathway videos.
- Let the LKSD technology department know if you have technical difficulties
- Review the LKSD instructional framework overview
- Sample lesson plan
- LKSD uses the HMH Into Math curriculum for K-12 instruction
- Math is taught in English. Review the LKSD math overview for your grade
- Review HMH priority standards for your grade
- Review the LKSD planning/pacing guide
- Review the LKSD Best Practices
- Review the LKSD assessment calendar
- Are you a DLE school? Click the link - LKSD Elementary Minimum minutes.
- Plan center/station activities that build fluency and complement lessons
- Plan anchor charts to accompany lessons. It’s best to create anchor charts with students during lessons.
- Meet with your Sped teacher to obtain IEP addendums for your students with IEPs
Student Resources
- Check to be sure you have the correct number of books for your students. Please contact me if you need student books.
- Student edition Vol 1
- Student edition Vol 2
- Practice and homework journal
Teach Classroom Routines:
Practice, Practice, Practice the 1st week
- Create a behavior syllabus (sample below)
- Teach students how to get computers, log into computers, and return computers
- Teach students how to log into Dreambox
A behavior syllabus supports classroom management by proactively setting clear expectations. When teachers review these expectations with students at the start of the year, it often leads to improved student behavior, stronger teacher-student relationships, and a more positive classroom environment.
Classroom Management
- Do class building and/or team building (Kagan books) activities daily for the first 2 weeks. Do your best to incorporate math fluency.
- Practice station rotations
– Teach voice levels, how to move, what to do if help is needed
- Teach how to use math manipulatives
Consider the following questions as you outline your classroom management approach:
- Will you have table leaders?
- Will you use class coupons or team points?
- Will you have classroom jobs?
- Work with your students to arrange your classroom
- Arrange desks so students can work in collaborative groups of 2 or 4.
- Review the P-T-C-T Levels of Support structure. Consider printing off a copy to serve as a visual reminder.
- Create a physically and psychologically safe environment.
- Create and display your English and Yugtun student-generated alphabets
- Put up your number line: 0-100
- Create your math word wall with blue background paper
- Create your math content board with blue background paper
Make Quick Assessments
- 1st week – Make observations. How do your students act in class? How do students respond to you and their classmates? What skills do your students have/lack?
- HMH Beginning of the Year Test – This assessment helps you know where your lessons should start.

The HMH curriculum comes with an assessment guide to support your instruction.